Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blue Man Group

Well, I said I would do a post on the Blue Man Group so I am. Well, I went yesterday (Wednesday the 25th) because the day before was my birthday. anyway... I'm 13. Happy birthday to me. hehe. Well, the Blue Man Group was amazing. Well, after the show i got a picture with 2 of the Blue Dudes and I bought a picture that they made by throwing paint gumballs into eachothers mouths and spiting it out on the canvase. i would put some pictures but I dont know how to do that... I'm just tstarting. Well, they did really cool stuff by pouring paint on the drums and playing and all sorts of stuff. Reall really cool. Everyone said they loved the toilet paper on the end and i would have, but i was on the far left (good seats over all) and we got like 2 pieces while the people in the middle couldn't breath because there was so much. it was very upsetting.... hmph... sniffle sniffle. But it was an extremly fun experiance. hehe.


Hey this is my first post. I know all my friends will be very proud of me. Well I'm at home right now and everyone else is at school, kinda lonley. I'm not sick but I had a big night last night. I'll post another blog on that after. Just wanted to say hello and welcome to my blog!!! :-)